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Enterprise Credit Authentication

GCA International Credit Certification is a corporate credit certification and display service promoted by the Global Credit Association around the world. Based on credit certification, corporate credit reports issued by well-known credit agencies in various countries prove that the company’s information is true and effective, helping China Import and export-related enterprises explore domestic and international markets, lower transaction thresholds, and improve transaction efficiency.

Business Credit Reports

GCA integrates global high-quality credit reporting agencies to provide comprehensive enterprise risk analysis reports to help companies make more efficient business decisions. GCA provides a unified report template and allows companies to access any member's database.

Debt Collection

GCA commercial account collection is also an important service covered by the association. This business section selects the most powerful third-party commercial account companies, law firms and other collection agencies in various countries to become members, realizes resource integration and credit information sharing, and provides creditors with a global Of accounts receivable collection services. Through professional and effective third-party collection, it helps the debtor to gather limited energy from the cumbersome collection procedures back to the core business, and effectively increase the collection rate and reduce the loss of bad debts.

GCA Online Application
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First name
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Phone number
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* Gladtrust is a formal corporate credit bureau supervised by the central
bank. We will not disclose your information to third parties.
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